Q: Why do I have to make an account?
A: Creating an account will make it easier for you to register for and keep up with your training events. You will create an account one time, and your information will be saved in our database. Now you can register for events without entering a lot of information about yourself every single time, simply by logging into your account. Once your account is created, you can register for an event with just 3 clicks.
Q: How do I make an account?
A: You can make an account here.
Q: I created my profile. Now what?
A: You can see the training events you have registered for – both upcoming and past – by navigating to the Dashboard tab. It is important to note that this will only show the past events you have registered for from July 1, 2017 going forward.You can also check out what else is on the calendar throughout our region by clicking on the Event Calendar tab.
If you experience any relevant changes in the future (new job, degree, email address, etc.), please indicate those changes in your profile by going to the Update Your Information tab.
If you have any questions or experience any bugs in the SE AETC account system, please let us know at the Registration and Account Support tab.
Q: Will my continuing education credits be stored in my profile?
A: Not exactly, but if you just want to track your attendance you will be able to easily print out a certificate for all the past training events you’ve attended. Just go to the Dashboard and click on the Your Past Events tab. If you have not yet completed an evaluation for that training, there will be a button that says “Complete Evaluation.” Once you do so, that button will say “View Certificate.”
If you need assistance with actual accreditation hours of any type (CME or CE), please email us at aetc@medicine.ufl.edu
Q: How do I compete the evaluation on seaetc.com?
A: We have created this handy step-by-step document to help you complete the evaluation.